
Proposed Special Management Program 2025-2029

The Fremont County Weed and Pest District (District) is considering updates to the Special Management Program (SMP) which will expand cost-sharing opportunities to more Fremont County residents and add additional target weed species to the program.

The proposed SMP will comprise three projects with specific targets, goals, and cost shares.

  1. Countywide leafy spurge, Russian knapweed, whitetop, and houndstongue (map 1)
    1. Enrolled landowners will be eligible for 80% cost sharing on herbicides, equipment rentals, and approved spray equipment purchases. Labor services would not be cost-shared. Labor services would be available through the District or a private custom applicator.
  2. Focused area Dalmatian toadflax and baby’s breath (map 2)
    1. Enrolled landowners will be eligible for 80% cost sharing on herbicides, equipment rentals, approved spray equipment purchases, and labor services within the focus areas of Lander and Ocean Lake.
  3. Badwater Creek, Beaver Creek, and Sweetwater River Management Zones for leafy spurge, Russian knapweed, and whitetop (map 3)
    1. Enrolled landowners will be eligible for 80% cost sharing on herbicides, equipment rentals, approved spray equipment purchases, and labor services within the three management zones.

Comments and feedback wanted

The District wants your comments, suggestions, and feedback regarding the proposed changes to the SMP. Click here for a form where your comments may be written and submitted. We intend to approve a final 2025-2029 Special Management Program in November.  Your feedback and comments on these proposed updates are appreciated.


Fremont County Weed and Pest crews treat noxious weeds on road and highway right-of-ways, along irrigation district systems, and on county, state and federal lands, in addition to treating some private and tribal lands. FCWP also offers the following services to Fremont County residents:


56 Tweed Ln
Lander, WY 82520


1446 Cowboy Ln
Riverton, WY 82501



Location Maps