The Fremont County Weed & Pest Control District (FCWP) will hold February’s regular monthly Board Meeting on Monday, February 10th at 1:00 pm in the Lander Meeting Room #210 located in the Lander Court House at 450 N. 2nd Street. 

The Public is welcome to attend.






FCWP provides weed and pest management services to the residents of Fremont County, Wyoming, by applying integrated pest management practices that consider the environment, the economy and the well-being of our resources.

The District warehouses are open for your pesticide needs.

May 1 – September 30
     Lander – 8am – 5pm Tuesdays and Fridays
     Riverton – 8am – 5pm  Mondays and Thursdays
Dubois – Please call for an appointment (307-240-0710)

October 1 – April 30
     No set hours. Please call 332-1052 to schedule an appointment.

For more information call 332-1052

About Fremont County Weed and Pest

FCWP is one of 23 county weed and pest districts that are members of the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, an entity that was created in 1973 with the enaction of the Wyoming Weed and Pest Control Act. FCWP is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven community members appointed by the Fremont County Commission. The board members serve four-year terms.

Board meetings are on the 2nd Monday of each month. May – October, 6:30 pm. November – April, 1 pm. Odd months Riverton. Even months Lander. Please get in touch with us for details.


56 Tweed Ln
Lander, WY 82520


1446 Cowboy Ln
Riverton, WY 82501



Location Maps

Leafy Spurge

Leafy Spurge

Euphorbia esula

Black Henbane

Black Henbane

Hyoscyamus niger

Russian Knapweed

​Russian Knapweed

Centaurea repens



Tribulus terrestris



Tamarix ramosissima

Russian Olive

Russian Olive

Elaeagnus angustifolia