Medusahead (State designated weed)
Medusahead (State designated weed)
- Taeniatherum caput-medusae
- Poaceae (Grass family)
An aggressive winter annual grass from Europe, medusahead is predominant on millions of acres of rangeland in the Pacific Northwest. Medusahead can be confused with foxtail barley or cheatgrass, which are other grasses that have long awns or spikelets at the seedheads. At maturity, the hairlike snaky awns of medusahead appear more twisted than foxtail or cheatgrass. If found in Fremont County, report this species to your local FCWP office.
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56 Tweed Ln
Lander, WY 82520
1446 Cowboy Ln
Riverton, WY 82501