Sulphur cinquefoil (Fremont County Declared Noxious Weed)

Sulphur cinquefoil

Sulfur Cinquefoil
Potentilla recta

Rosacaea (Rose family)

A perennial forb from Eurasia, sulfur cinquefoil can invade roadsides, disturbed areas and pastures where it competes with native grasses. Colonies of plants can also invade undisturbed sites. A few known infestations occur on U.S. Forest
Service lands in Fremont County where they are mapped and treated by FCWP.

Sulfur cinquefoil can be distinguished from native cinquefoils by the presence of hairs on its leaves and stems. Also, its leaves appear more green than silvery on their undersides.

Growth Habit: Perennial, 1 to 1½ feet tall.

Leaves: Palmate, usually with five to seven leaflets.

Flowers: Pale yellow with five heartshaped petals.

Roots: Welldeveloped, woody taproot; may have several spreading branch roots but no rhizomes.

Status: County Declared Noxious Weed, Category 1. Rare. No tolerance, with a goal of early detection and eradication.

Control: Mechanical and chemical controls can be effective. FCWP offers a 40 percent Cost Share on chemicals for controlling this species. Contact your local weed and pest office for further treatment recommendations.

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56 Tweed Ln
Lander, WY 82520


1446 Cowboy Ln
Riverton, WY 82501

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