Whitetop (Hoary Cress) (State designated weed)
Whitetop (Hoary Cress) (State designated weed)
- Cardaria draba
- Brassicaceae (Mustard family)
Whitetop is common on alkaline, disturbed soils. It prospers in drought and is highly competitive with other species once it becomes established.
Growth Habit: Deep rooted perennial up to 2 feet tall, reproducing from root segments and seeds.
Leaves: Blue-green in color, lance-shaped. Lower leaves are stalked; upper leaves have two lobes clasping the stem.
Flowers: Plants have many white flowers with four petals, giving the plant a white, flat-topped appearance. Heart-shaped seed capsules contain two reddish-brown seeds separated by a narrow partition. Plants emerge in very early spring and have bloomed and set seed by mid-summer; prolific seed producer.
Roots: Whitetop reproduces perennially by its long taproot, by creeping rhizomes, and by broken root segments left in contact with the soil.
Other: Two other Cardaria species, lens-podded whitetop and hairy whitetop are common in the western U.S. with differences in seed capsules and fruit used to identify each species.
Status: State Designated Noxious Weed, Category 4. Widespread infestation. Control and maintenance of current weed infestations.
Control: Certain chemical controls can be effective. FCWP offers a 40 percent Cost Share on chemicals for controlling this species. Contact your local weed and pest office for further treatment recommendations.
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56 Tweed Ln
Lander, WY 82520
1446 Cowboy Ln
Riverton, WY 82501